Updated : 07/06/2018
On this website we strive to protect your personal data in accordance with European regulations (GDPR). This statement only applies for this website. It can't apply for others, online or offline, neither other products or services. By accessing our website, you agree to the registration of your information, and terms of use described in this privacy statement.
Collection of your personal information
We will ask you information when we will need to identify you personally or in the aim to contact you. In general, this information is needed when we provide you with a service or when we carry out a transaction you have requested, for example for information about this website's products and services, tracking an order, sending of status or events with electronic mail. Personal information collected may include your name, first name, the name of your company or organization, your professional e-mail address, your user id and your password.

The website can also collect information about your visit, including the name of your internet provider and the IP address used to access internet, the date and hour you access the website, the pages you access on the website and the URL from which you arrive to our website. This information is intended for the analysis of trends and the administration and improvement of the website.

In order to avoid that your e-mail address or other personal information are recovered or misused by thirds, we advise you to be cautious with an active e-mail address or other personal information in discussion forum, conversations, or other public forums.

Usage of your personal data
The information collected on this website is used for its operation and allow us to provide you with the service or complete the transaction you have required or authorized.

As part of these uses, the website can use personal information in the aim to provide a more efficient customer service, to improve the website or any other product or service of this website and to make the navigation easier. This will avoid you to input several times the information and will fit the website to your tastes and interests. In order to maintain a service with our website , the information collected by our website can be used together with other departments of our website.

We may use personal information to send you major information about the product or service you are to use.

We will only disclose your personal information if required by the law or when we believe in good faith that such action is necessary to conform to the edicts of the law or comply with legal process served on the website; protect and defend our rights or property and act under exigent circumstances to protect the personal safety of our employees and users of the website.

The personal information gathered on the website can be stored and used in Europe or any other country by its subsidiaries, its partners where their agents are present. By using this website you agree to such transfers outside your country.

We respect and comply with the law of the 6 of January 1978 as well as the GDPR (UE regulation 2016/679 of the 27th of April 2016 in force since the 25th of May 2018)

Control of your personal information
Except otherwise stated in this declaration, the personal information you provide on the website will not be shared outside its subsidiaries and partners without your permission. As described in the following section, you can access to your personal information and choose how you want to be contacted.

This privacy statement and the choices you make on the website doesn't apply necessarily to personal information you have provided to us in the context of other products or different services.

Access to your personal data
You can modify your personal data and contact's information on this website after you are logged in.

Some services we offer you you may collect information which you can't access via your personal settings. Nonetheless, in this case, you can access your personal data by contacting us as explained in the bottom of this statement or via other sources of communication described by the service.

Security of your personal information
We strictly guarantee you the protection of your personal information. We implement various technologies and security procedures to protect your personal data and prevent it to be consulted used or disclosed without permission. For example, we store your data on servers with a limited access and located in monitored facilities.

Protection of children's personal data
Our website does not voluntarily collect children's personal information.

Application of this privacy statement
If you have any questions regarding this statement, please contact us via the form that we put at your disposal and to which you can access after you are logged in.

Amendments of this privacy statement
From time to time we can update this privacy statement. In this case we also correct the date of "last update" at the top of the privacy statement. For major changes to this privacy statement, we will notify you either by adding a visible notice on the home page of our website or by directly sending you a notification. We encourage you to consult regularly this declaration in order to keep aware the way we help you to protect your personal information we store. A continued use of the service constitutes your agreement to this privacy statement and any updates.

Your comments regarding this declaration are welcome. if you find that our website has violated this privacy statement, contact us via email or by postal letter to the address found in terms of use, and we will employ all reasonable means to identify and solve the problem quickly.
