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Create your shipment online
Easily input all your shipment informations using our web interface or file integration.
Print your labels
Obtain directly the corresponding labels to put on your package either for A4 or thermal printer.
Send your note to branch
Choose the shipments to send to the warehouse and get the grouping note.
Track and trace
Access to your old shipments until 30 days and track/trace them.
Go to track&trace
An error has occurred. If this persists, please contact an administrator. #PHPERR Connection to the database is not possible. If this persists, please contact an administrator. #PHPBDD The format of the email address is incorrect. Your login credentials are not correct, please check. Your password request has been taken into account.

If the entered informations are correct, an email will be sent with instructions to follow.
The information entered can not be used to find a match.

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